Wedding Planning Tips

By: Alexine

Every woman wants to look and feel sexy on a regular basis and especially on their wedding night. From the style of your hair to the color of your toes, women do such a great job at picking themselves apart. To ensure you both look and feel sexy on your wedding day I have come up with a list of ten changes you can make.

Tone Your Body

If the weather is anything but nice outside consider starting with a membership to your local gym to begin toning your body. However, if you live in a mild temperature climate then make a habit of power walking for thirty minutes to an hour every day. This will begin toning your muscles and could possibly lead to weight loss or muscle definition.

Eat Healthy

Start your morning with something healthy and remember to eat that way throughout the day. Avoid junk food and sweets when doing your grocery shopping. Instead pick up some fresh apples and whole grains like oatmeal to eat. By watching what you eat and becoming aware of the foods you choose throughout the day, you will be able to stay on top of your figure and feel better.

Sun Yourself

There is nothing quite like a fresh dose of vitamin D to help give you a boost of energy and feel rejuvenated. Make sure you get at least thirty minutes of sun every day or try a vitamin D supplement. This is a great boost when you have little sun exposure.


To make your skin feel like a baby invest in a delicious scented body scrub. Using a scrub to exfoliate your skin will take away all the dead layers and show the new and youthful skin underneath. The wonderful thing about skin is that it is always creating new layers. However, to maintain young looking skin it is important to exfoliate from head to toe.

Bras & Panties

Take a little trip to the mall or local lingerie store to buy a couple of cute matching bras and panties. There is nothing quite like some sexy undergarments to make you feel attractive. This is a great opportunity to purchase a little lacey outfit for your wedding night if you have not done so already.

White Teeth

Every woman wants to feel beautiful on their wedding day and one of the most common things to be self conscious about is a yellow smile. To help whiten your discolored teeth consider getting a whitening treatment from your dentist or local dental whitening business.

Beauty Rest

There is nothing like getting enough beauty rest to ensure there are no bags under your eyes. This is especially important in the weeks leading up to your wedding so you look your best on the wedding day. Start forcing yourself to go to sleep a little earlier and make it a habit to get about eight hours of sleep per night.

Hair Style

One of the most fun things you can do is go get a new hair style for your wedding. Whether you chop off several inches or add some color, a new look is fun to show off. Look at possible wedding day hairdos before you make the decision on what to do with your hair. Then you can plan according to how you want your hair to look on the big day.


On the evening before or the morning of your wedding make yourself a massage appointment. This is one of the most relaxing and amazing things to experience before such a big event. Try some essential oils or add a facial if you want to really feel the relaxation.

Mani & Pedi

To top off your wedding day preparations make sure you get a manicure and pedicure the day before your wedding. This is a great way to feel good about getting photos of your hands and feet during the ceremony and garter toss. Then you can admire how cute your toes look and how dainty your hands look in the photos.

Think Sexy

The most important tool in feeling sexy on your wedding day is to think you look sexy. Your mind can play tricks on you but it is important to have confidence. When you have confidence and look your best you will both look and feel sexy on your wedding day.

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