Wedding Planning Tips

By: Alexine

In addition to getting to spend the rest of your life with your spouse marriage has many benefits. While there are people who feel differently, the benefits of not getting married do not ever seem to outweigh the benefits of getting married. To help you understand how wonderful the decision you made can be, here are some of the benefits of getting married.

Best Friend

With marriage comes an entire lifetime of experiences with your best friend. Whether you love hanging out after work watching movies or extreme adventures, you both can share all these moments together. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that you will not be alone to handle life’s challenges. As it was as a child, spending time with a best friend is the greatest feeling. Now you get to experience that every day of your life.

Shared Finances

When you get married and move in together there are no longer two rent payments and two utility bills. You share one rent payment or one mortgage which saves money and allows you to choose where to live together. This also allows one partner to stay home and care for children. As that may seem farfetched to some, overall it is really nice when you see what two paychecks look like in a bank account instead of just one.

Health Insurance

Some jobs do not offer health insurance to their employees and as a result many people do not have any. This can leave someone in serious debt if they are involved in an accident or develop serious health problems. However, there is usually one person in a relationship that has a job that offers insurance. Once you are married the person that has insurance can add their spouse on for a family plan.

Team Players

It is such a wonderful experience committing to the one you love in both spiritual and legal aspects. You no longer view life as you against the world but instead as a team. The person you marry is now your official team mate and support group for all aspects of life. They are there to help you through the good times and the bad while continuing to love you and vice versa.

Automotive Insurance

The nice thing about marriage and auto insurance is that you can have joint insurance on your vehicles. While two people can be insured on one vehicle it costs more than after you get married. This is one of the discounts you get as a married couple.


Through all of the challenges in life there is little room to argue when it comes to the commitment in marriage. This is an aspect of marriage that is felt more than talked about. Knowing that the person you are with is not just your girlfriend or boyfriend, but your husband or wife. While it is a title in society, this title gives a great sense of commitment in the relationship.


Getting married can be described as happiness for couples in so many ways. Whether they are excited about the title, shared experiences or starting a family together, there is so much to look forward to after the wedding. While marriage is a huge life change it can be a wonderful one in so many ways.

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