Wedding Planning Tips


By: Alexine

Your sister, cousin or best friend is getting married and it is time to plan a special day for the girls. While you may be contemplating what to do, the most appropriate gathering for an expecting bride would be a shower. Bachelorette parties are a lot of fun but the activities involved are a little inappropriate. Here are some of the differences to help you understand why a shower is best for the pregnant bride.

Time of Day

A huge difference between a bridal shower and a bachelorette party is the time of day. Bridal showers are usually for a couple of hours during the day sometime between lunch and dinner. On the other hand bachelorette parties are normally on a Friday or Saturday night. Late nights are not good for an expecting mother as she needs lots of rest. The bridal shower would be easier on her sleep schedule.


The little black dresses and cocktail attire associated with a night out with the girls is a definite no-no for the pregnant bride. Who feels sexy in a little black dress when they are big and pregnant? Hands down the subject of attire is defiantly for the bridal shower. With modest and semi casual wear being most comfortable while you are pregnant she will feel much better in this setting.


Making a list of the bride’s favorite foods or pregnant cravings is a great start for the snack list. Also you have to take into consideration what she can and cannot have while pregnant. Search online for a list of what pregnant women cannot eat because you will be surprised how many things are on there. With food being very important for the pregnant bride, the best food to serve is fresh and healthy snacks.


Where bachelorette parties are known for having alcohol involved, bridal showers are low key on the alcohol. Since pregnant women need to stay away from alcohol it is better to have a bridal shower. Fresh fruit juices are much healthier for you than alcoholic beverages and taste delicious. To make it easier on you have a local smoothie shop deliver a bunch of smoothies for the shower.

While it is fun to go out dancing or clubbing, most pregnant ladies are not up for anything of the sort. A nice calm atmosphere with a few silly activities is much more enjoyable. You can incorporate the toilet paper tummy size game or the word game just to name a couple. These are much more fun when you do not have much energy to be on your feet for long periods of time.


Silly gag gifts for the bridal shower are not very useful when you have a little one on the way. The most useful things you could get for the bride to be are baby necessities and home necessities. To make sure the guests attending the shower know what to bring for a gift make a note on the invitation. This way they know where she is registered and the details about the baby and mom.

Before you make your final decision call the bride and ask, but most likely she will agree with you about the bridal shower being the best choice for her. This would also be a good opportunity to talk about getting a list of people she would like to invite as well. After you get an idea of how many people to expect, the details of where and when can be determined.

Have fun planning this important event for such a special person in your life!

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